Coming Soon: Free Book

Coming Soon: Free Book
Planning to give away a book or two!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Yeah! I officially have a spare bedroom!

I need to get a new frame for the bed, some day.  I may never get the tops of the desks cleared off (I am a stack person.) But as I said before, when I clean them off I lose things.

Cell Photo by Trisha Field
New Spare Bedroom
I have noticed that in freeing up this room and finding "permanent " spot for things after five years, it feels SO GOOD! I still will have the pantry, kitchen and new art studio to organize. To be honest I am now energized to get it done.  I guess the best way to describe the way I have been feeling is oppressed. 

It is a compounding issue, when you don't have a place to unpack boxes,  you get used to seeing a stack of boxes, new things go into new boxes, suddenly you have more boxes than before and you know you need to deal with them but there are too many to deal with. 

On the news the other night they had a story about a man who died in a fire feet away from the door.  The firemen had difficulty fighting the fire because of all his things. They suspected that he couldn't get out because of all his things.  I have never been that bad. At the same time, I am no where near being an immaculate person.

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