Monday I started "14 days of supercharged meals." I thought that I would share some of the meals with you. I have decided that I really don't like vegetables all that well. Maybe I will acquire a taste for them. Breakfast was spinach and eggs cooked in coconut oil with a small tomato. I tried to make an omelet but it ended up more like scrambled eggs.
2 egg omelet |
The lunchtime salad included 4 ounces of cooked salmon, a cup of vegetables, and it was supposed to have chick peas but I couldn't find any so I used the alternative of kidney beans.
Lunch with Salmon |
The afternoon snack was 4 ounces of white meat with a cup of cooked broccoli an 1/2 cup cooked sweet potatoes. No it is not cooked carrots. I will do whatever I can to not eat cooked carrots. They are okay raw but cooked is another matter.
Afternoon Snack? |
To top off the day, I had ground turkey with a cup of vegetables. Most of the vegies were sautéed in olive oil. The carrots I ate raw. It is a texture thing. I don't like the texture of a cooked carrot.
Ground Turkey for Supper |
This is going to be a challenge. I am a lot pickier of an eater than what I ever thought that I was. But when I started making the meals and found myself saying, cook this but don't cook that. This is going to be interesting because I am eating about 500 calories more than normal. I am having a difficult time believing that I can eat that much more and lose weight. But I am going to try in order to break through my plateau. The meals are a combination of protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. My carbohydrates will be significantly increased but they are supposed to be the "healthy" carbs.
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