Strawberries in Bloom |
I can't wait! The strawberry plants have been full of blossoms and we are finally starting to see the fruit appear. Today we found one ripe strawberry. A bird took a bite of it. That did not deter Dale; he ate the part that the bird did not. I am going to have to find some netting.
Strawberries |
There isn't anything better than garden fresh fruits and vegetables. Just as a reminder. When a plant flowers and the flowers and creates an edible bite after germination, that edible bite is called fruit. Vegetables are from roots or stalks.
Rhubarb is a vegetable.
Tomato is a fruit.
Here are some others...
Fruit = strawberries, blueberries, cherries, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, beans, and peas just to name a few.
Vegetables = carrots, beets, kohlrabi, radishes, potatoes and asparagus just to name a few.
I like most fruits. I don't like many vegetables. Hmmmm.
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