I never give up. Once again I tried this recipe. A neighbor gave me her recipe to follow. You know I'm not good at that! Especially when she said follow it to the letter.
Mix a yellow cake mix per box directions (do NOT use pudding in cake.) - It wasn't my fault the grocery store only sells mixes with pudding, was it?
1 1/2 cup sugar sprinkled over the cake.
4 cups chopped rhubarb spread evenly over the top
1 pint whipping cream over the rhubarb
Bake at 350 for an hour. YES an hour! The top will get dark brown. I think next time I make this I might try 50 minutes if the stove is fully preheated. (The edges got a bit drier than I prefer.)
Rhubarb Upside Down Cake |
Are you wondering what happened because I used pudding in the cake mix? During baking the sugar, rhubarb and cream are supposed to sink to the bottom while the cake bakes up. The sugar and rhubarb didn't sink as well as it should have. That means it doesn't look picture perfect pretty but it tastes "scrumptious!"
Rhubarb Upside Down Cake |
FLASHBACK! Growing up we were surrounded by neighbors that were my grandparents age or older. We often called them "grandma or grandpa" (and their first name). One particular grandma always shared her recipe and she always said to us, "this is so scrumptious, isn't it?" We weren't dumb, she was feeding us, "scrumptious!"
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