I would like to see this view from the cockpit. The pilots must have some pretty good sunglasses. It was very beautiful from the window seat. I was in the second row. I can't handle being in the front row because you aren't allowed to have anything personal with you; everything needs to go into the overhead bin. More leg room just isn't worth it.
Heaven's Glory |
The mighty Mississippi is always grand whether by air, ground or water. But doesn't it give you a different view with the soft, thin white layer of snow? You can see the the trees as they grow around and out from the river. They look like (reverse colored) frost forming on a window.
The Mighty Mississippi |
The quilt work of the Iowa farmland is scattered by the tributaries that feed out of or into the Mississippi River. All that I can see is the trees and brush around the waterways. It was visible to my eyes but may not show on the picture. You can see the farmers path around the waterway; yet, it looks as if someone took a straight edge and drew a line across the earth into beautiful patchwork squares. As the farmers rotate the crops, each of the squares has a slightly different color. Top that off with a thin layer of snow and you have a very unique color and design. Is this what God sees when he looks down on the earth? Does he look down and say, "It is good. It is beautiful. My children are caring well for the gift that I have given them."
Tributaries |
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