It was unplanned, unadvertised but I had my second book signing. Are you saying, "What are you talking about now?" While I was making contacts in advertising for my first book signing, I was given the information about an special event at the Eden Valley Library and event center. I followed up on the information and was invited to join the group. My presence was not advertised in the advertising for the event.
Janice demonstrated quilting |
There were a few people doing demonstrations. Jan, the quilter in the corner was one of them. Although I must admit that when you get a group of artists together there is a lot of wandering going on....
Multiple artists work was displayed |
Samples of several artists work was hung on the display wall. On the outer walls artwork was provided from the local school students.
Camera fight? See the metal art? |
There were many of us there with our Nikons and Cannons. One of the displays (not shown) was a display of amateur photography.
Theresa displayed her paintings by the hanging quilts |
There was significant talk of getting all of the painters present together for a painting club. I would have a difficult time choosing which medium to haul with me.
Handmade Jewelry, dream catchers, and neck scrunchies |
It was interesting to see the variations of handmade jewelry. They had some very cute pieces. I just know that my jewelry box is overflowing with cute that I always forget to wear.
Three pianists provided background music |
The background music was something that I didn't expect. It was beautiful and very relaxing. Even though there was a wide variety of songs none of them rubbed me the wrong way. There is definitely some "music" that I do not like.
Spinning Wool |
The woman demonstrating wool spinning stopped to talk to a young man that stopped by her booth. She demonstrated carding too but she said that she rarely hand cards. She has a modified hand carder that hooks up to a drill and spins several cards at once.
Refreshment stand |
The event was planned at noon directly after church, so there was a small refreshment stand setup so that no one needed to worry about going hungry. I planned ahead and brought mock-crab and cottage cheese with cinnamon.
A fun clown! |
It was fun for all to watch the clown create hats and animals out of balloons. I thought that I also saw her teaching one of the older children how to make a hat.
Wood-art |
My eye kept getting drawn over to this booth with the wood-art. I wish that I had a place to display this as it brings a whole new definition of recycling.
Me again! |
Since I wasn't advertised, the people that saw and purchased my books bought both books. They hadn't met me before and therefore had not read my first book. I have a very, very limited number of "Second-Hand Tuxedo" books left. It makes me wonder if I should try to get a few more printed to sell with my third book.
"To many more chapters..." |
Representative Dean Urdahl is a former history teacher. He has also written several books. He came today and spoke about his latest book "Conspiracy" about the conspiracy theories around the time of President Lincoln's time. After his presentation, they had cake and coffee. What a beautiful cake!
I left very inspired! My second floor art studio definitely needs to get organized!
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