Coming Soon: Free Book

Coming Soon: Free Book
Planning to give away a book or two!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A bit of controversy

My Father and I wrote a book together.  It is a picture book and for now we have used Shutterfly to publish it.  It is from the eyes of a tree and how from the time he was a sapling, he had a dream of growing up big, strong and straight so that he can become a beautiful house or some fine furniture.  But good meaning humans get in the way and jeopardize his dream.  They stop logging in his forest until one day a special logger got permission and came into the woods to cut down the best trees for his projects. 

About a month after I received the finished books in the mail, a small wooded area just North of town was logged.  The logger was careful and meticulous to go in and take the trees that were straight and tall.  Some of the wood was set aside to be cut into firewood and the rest was stacked into long straight piles of consistent sized logs ready for shipment.  Looking at the woods from several angles, once the debris is cleaned up, people driving by won't even be able to tell that the area was logged. 

There are younger trees in the area that will now have the space needed to grow up.  The landowner will have the freedom to come in and replant a diversification of sapling to fill back in the area.  The natural cycle of life will continue to flow.  Humans and their needs are part of that cycle of life.  We need to be careful to clarify the difference between needs and wants.  If our wants put too much demand on the natural order of life, then we need to set-aside our wants and scale back to our needs.

Photo by Trisha Field
Logging Site

Photo by Trisha Field
Logging Site
I am debating if I should edit the book to add one of these pictures.  If I did things write, you should be able to see the book using this link.  You may need a shutterfly sign in.  Let me know if you can't see it and I will e-mail a link. Should I edit the book?

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