Coming Soon: Free Book

Coming Soon: Free Book
Planning to give away a book or two!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Silk Painting

You will probably see this same title several times.  One of the art styles that I am working with is Silk Paining which is also referred to as wearable art.  I had to work with the frames that I had at home.  I had a frame for 11" silk handkerchiefs (but I was out of the white silks.)  I also had a frame for an 8" X 60" scarf and the boards to make a frame for my 35" silks.  I decided to practice on the 8" X 60" scarf. Notice the frame is made up of cardboard.  It is 3 layers of cardboard nested together (horizontal, vertical, then horizontal).
Photo by Trisha Field
Wet silk stretched
I soaked the white silk before starting.  I wanted to do more of a blended color with some pops of color but something that could be worn with a more colorful shirt and not clash with the shirt.  I didn't have any particular shirt in mind.

Photo by Trisha Field
Painted Silk
The key to working with blending was to get everything done before the silk dries.  I had to flip the frame over several times.  I took a risk and I took a spray bottle an gave it a good spray down half-way through.  (I stepped out into the three-season porch.)

Photo by Trisha Field
Silk in color set process
Depending on the dyes that you use, there are different ways to set the colors.  The dyes I use require a chemical set in cold water.  I was a little scared when I saw the water starting to turn blue.  I thought I was losing all of my additional color.

Photo by Trisha Field
Silk hanging to dry
Doesn't everyone hang their drying clothes over the kitchen sink from the cupboard above?  The 12:17 from the clock on the wall is AM just in case you are wondering.  It isn't uncommon for me to stay up too late at night.

Photo by Trisha Field
Dried Painted Silk
In controversy at lunch the next day, 12:10 PM, I took the photo of the dried scarf.  Since lighting is everything, I took it to the main entrance and hung it on the screen door.  I got lucky and the sun was out for those couple of minutes.  Although I liked the way it turned out, I was expecting it to be a little more vibrant.  I guess that I used too much water as I worked the colors.

Photo by Trisha Field
Finished silk in sunlight
As I practice more, I will share the pieces with you.  One thing you need to know about art is that it takes a lot of work trying to figure out the right technique. And just when you think that you have it, something surprises you.

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