Coming Soon: Free Book

Coming Soon: Free Book
Planning to give away a book or two!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Gluten free ...

Tell me how I'll be measured and that will be my guide for my decisions.  Tomorrow I will be meeting up with a group and going to a job fair. I've had a very good interview with a good sound company but I don't take anything for granted.

I will have a follow-up interview on Monday.  If that goes well, then I will be scheduled for an in person interview. I don't want to pass up the job fair even though I'm excited about the potential of the company that I'm already interviewing with.

I am betting by now you are wondering what any of this has to do with gluten free. Being allergic to bell peppers,  I always carry snacks with me. When I asked one of the others if she'd like me to share I received the response, "sure, it's gluten free."

I was asking particularly about the haystacks (large marshmallow rolled in caramel then covered in rice crispies.) Although gluten free and delicious they are not diabetic safe. I added to them the banana coconut flour bread and banana pumpkin cookies that I made over the weekend.  We now have good treats and tasty treats. :^)

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