Coming Soon: Free Book

Coming Soon: Free Book
Planning to give away a book or two!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

...a peaceful day

Although the day started out freezing cold with a fresh layer of snow on the ground, it ended up a perfect day. I'll skip around a bit.
Spending time in the pasture
This evening, I spent some time out in the pasture with the animals. They are so peaceful.  Gizem is the large sheep that I got last spring.  He is the one that will come running to me. (Friday evening when my nephew and sister cut through the pasture with me, he got so excited that he hopped across the pasture.)
Danny and Donny
It's so surprising how jealous all of the animals are when a different one is getting attention. The donkeys are especially jealous and will come closer when Gizem is getting attention.
Fresh wood chips by the pond
I finished the last 2 bags of wood chips. I'm going to need at least 10 more. But it looks so nice with fresh wood chips! Over the next few weeks, I'll be clearing off the gardens a little more. Lord, may we have normal spring weather please?
Easter supper
We ended the day with a special Easter meal.  Nothing traditional, just special. We had steak, sweet potatoes and macaroni and cheese with tuna. After supper was time for evening chores. All of the dogs fell asleep earlier than normal. They spent most of the afternoon outside playing in the back pasture while Dale worked on the skid loader which broke down on Saturday.

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