Coming Soon: Free Book

Coming Soon: Free Book
Planning to give away a book or two!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother's day bouquet and project update

My mother passed away when she was 45 years old. So this is not really a holiday that I celebrate.  But my sister and I take turns filling the role of mother for each other. I decided to go to my garden this morning and pick a special bouquet for my sister.
Picked a bouquet of Vegetables
I knew that she and her family enjoy rhubarb. So I picked her a bouquet of vegetables.  YES, I  said vegetables. A vegetable grows from a root and what you eat it part of the root or stalk. A fruit is the product of a pollinated flower (think of an apple.)
Delicious Organic Rhubarb
I left the leaves on the top so that they would retain their freshness longer. It reminded me of a HUGE bouquet of flowers. I went to church this morning and ran errands. Tab met me at a crossroad where the dogs got to run with Isaac.
Mother's Day Vegetable Bouquet (rhubarb)
I thought I'd also show you a quick update on my dry river that I'm creating under my bridge.  It is coming along. It has been a challenge finding time to work on it with the spring rains. But that's okay because we need the rain more than I need to finish this project. 
Weed fabric, sand and rocks as the base of the dry river bed

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