Coming Soon: Free Book

Coming Soon: Free Book
Planning to give away a book or two!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Peach Treat

I like to have recipes in my mind when I freeze or can fruit so that I have the fruit portioned to the correct amounts.  Here is a simple recipe meant for fresh fruit.  But I was missing a key ingredient so I made it with frozen fruit.

1/3 cup pureed peaches (I added cinnamon)
1/3 cup chopped peach
1/3 cup vanilla yogurt

Photo by Trisha Field
Peaches & Cinnamon ready to puree
I filled up my bullet drink cup with cut peaches and cinnamon.  I've been on a cinnamon kick to help get my blood sugar levels under control. - - - more later on that topic.

Photo by Trisha Field
Pureed Peaches
 A very short time of processing in my bullet and the peaches were pureed.  I labeled snack pack bags "1/3 cup pureed peaches with cinnamon" and the date and filled them up to freeze them. (If I would have had yogurt on hand 1/3 cup would have been mixed fresh.)

Photo by Trisha Field
Chopped Peaches
 Then I chopped up several peaches.  I measured 1/3 cup chopped peaches labeled the same number of baggies that I did for puree and filled them.

Photo by Trisha Field
1/3 cup yogurt
 The easy part is adding some yogurt.  No prep work for that one.

Photo by Trisha Field
Yogurt and frozen puree
 At this point I moved away from the recipe that I had.  They didn't freeze their puree or peaches.  The consistency of my treat will be thicker because of my frozen ingredients.

Photo by Trisha Field
Peach Yogurt Treat
 Once the puree has been mixed with thee yogurt, add your chunked peaches and enjoy.  I don't like eating frozen peaches and I didn't get mine out of the freezer in time to thaw. 

Photo by Trisha Field
Peach Treat Turned Smoothie
I put the blade back on and processed it just a little while longer. Frozen fruit will take the yogurt mix and change it into a smoothie.  - nice trick!  That is why I usually have 1/3-1/2 cup portions of fruit frozen in snack bags.  For today's mixture I mixed it long enough to get a smoothie consistency and still left a few pieces of fruit.  Enjoy this delicious peach treat whether you choose fruit yogurt or fruit smoothie.

Sorry my blog is late today.  I was at my sister's place working from there and making sure that she got the rest she needed.  It is nice to have a job that you can work from anyplace that has internet.  :^)

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