Clouds! Last Friday the was weather from South to North across the central US. I had a fairly straight flight path home which is unusual.
Angel Choir - Good Morning Song |
I was up at 5AM and sitting in a plane on the tarmac as the sunrise colored the sky. I noticed a cloud that looked like a face with it's mouth open. At first I thought the angel had a big nose then I realize that I was seeing a bushy eyebrow. Can you see it singing, "Beautiful morning, beautiful day ....!" with continued praises to God.
Close up of the bushy brow angel |
Later in the day, I saw the light creating a halo behind the clouds. I love the outline of light on the edge of the clouds.
Light Halo |
I turned the camera the other direction and zoomed out. The storm cloud that we were turning to avoid the turbulence was a majestic sight with a lot of texture and variations in color tones.
Contrast in the Clouds |
The sun played peek a boo and creating more drama in the clouds in the sky. Look, the cloud almost looks like a dog.
Peek a boo |
In another area the clouds almost looked like sand castles. Needless to say we had a rough ride on both legs of the flight.
Cloud Castles |
I flipped my phone to the fish-eye view. It looks like a fat bird with a long beak doesn't it?
A twisted view |
The dolphins started to jump in the heavens. There may have been storms below and turbulence in the air but the clouds danced like dolphins.
More Fisheye view |
When I arrived home I picked up the dogs. Dale was working an evening shift so the girls and I went out in the country alone for a run. The early signs of sunset were colorful and captivating.
The field's back home |
After leaving the country we stopped by to visit Dale at work. There was one lone cloud raining in the area. I have never seen such a thing. Obviously the person who designed special effects for alien movies has seen it. Because this looks like beam used to abduct humans. ...maybe it is? Did you see a UFO on Friday evening, August 31, 2014 over Meeker County, Minnesota?
Beam me up Scottie? |
Rotating just a few degrees to the West gave an entirely different point of view although equally as gorgeous. The deep blues and soft pinks to purples were a calming end to a busy day.
Blue Sunset |
About ten minutes later the colors changed to a golden stripe and expanding oranges with grey low lights. This was a day that took me from the Southern most area of the continental United States to the Northern most area of the continental United States and the clouds from sunrise and sunset were entertaining and exceptionally beautiful, don't you think?
The final light of day |